Writing reviews for systems conferences
Sep 29, 2024
Purpose for paper review
- a chance to get your own thoughts on the paper straight by writing them down
- communicating your thoughts about the paper to other PC members
Steps in reviewing
- read each one in turn quickly from start to finish to get a general sense of what it’s like.
- Starting as soon as possible, read each paper in turn carefully, scribbling notes on them in the margins with whatever comments you think of at the time.
Structure of a review
- summarize the paper
Give a neutral description of what you think the paper is about, where the authors are coming from, why they view the problem as important, and what they’ve done. This is a great way to start writing a review, particularly when you’re not sure how to get started.
- state what you think the contributions are. No useful contribution? Contribution missed?
- specific comments
- Novelty
- How well written
- apparent technical flaws
- gaps or unaddressed issues
- anything really cool
- transform every negative comment into a constructive suggestion
For example: “This system doesn’t deal with unexpected vegetables” can be turned into the more positive “The paper would be much stronger if it discussed how the system deals with unexpected vegetables.”
- a remote possibility that you’ve misunderstood the paper
It’s better to write “The description in the paper left me worried that algorithm breaks in the presence of Byzantine faults.”